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Author: Leslie Bosch, PhD

Is Self-Sabotage Holding You Back?

25SHARESShareTweet Often in life, we end up thinking and behaving in ways that self-sabotage our best efforts and hold us back from success. Whether we procrastinate too much, engage in negative self-talk, or don’t take care of ourselves – we make achieving our goals monumentally difficult. The world is complicated enough without us making things harder on ourselves. Let’s identify our self-defeating behaviors and then overcome them. Download...

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Conquer Your Quest for Perfection

25SHARESShareTweet If you’re a perfectionist, you probably find that it’s a challenging way to live. In most cases, it’s a road to disappointment and dissatisfaction. It can also have a negative effect on the relationships in your life. It might be time to conquer your quest for perfection. When you’re a perfectionist, it seems like nothing can ever be as perfect as you’d like. Perfectionism consists of demanding a higher level of performance than the...

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Turn Your Victim Mindset Around

25SHARESShareTweet Given a setback, do you blame someone else for what’s happened? Do you think that no matter what you do, things aren’t really going to change? When things go wrong, do you tend to beat yourself up? It’s possible you suffer from a manner of thinking known as having a victim mentality. And having a victim mentality won’t get you anywhere in life, so it’s important to learn to overcome it, and fast so that you can take control of your...

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Victim Versus Victor Mindset

What’s the difference between a victim and a victor? This article highlights some of the differences between a victim versus a victor mindset. Everyone on this earth experiences a bad or disheartening situation at some point in their lives, but what matters is, how they handle it, what they do next, and how they let it shape them in the end. In essence, your mindset or the way you approach problems in your life will either classify you as a victim or a victor. The following distinctions...

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Stop Making Excuses

15SHARESShareTweet If there was one thing you could change in your life, what would it be? Would you go back to college to further your career? Start a new career? Lose a few pounds? Quit smoking? Get out of debt? Now… for the million-dollar question: What is really stopping you? Oftentimes, we talk ourselves out of achieving our goals or making our dreams come true because we are entirely too busy coming up with the why not instead of pushing forward and...

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Develop a Growth Mindset

20SHARESShareTweet Is it possible to develop a growth mindset? Absolutely! If you feel like your current mindset might be holding you back, you can absolutely make some strides to develop and grow. The fact is, even if we have a growth mindset, sometimes we get bogged down with insecurities and failures, which then allows negative self-talk and a defeatist attitude to take hold. Habits are hard to break, especially those we have cultivated for many years. A...

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9 Mindsets To Improve Your Life

35SHARESShareTweet Our mind is a powerful tool. What we think and how we think can make the difference between success and failure. This article features nine mindsets to improve your life. A mindset is a set of beliefs, assumptions, and notions that influence a person’s worldview or philosophy in life. These are deeply held beliefs about who we are and how the world works. All of our habits, experiences, and environment helps form our mindset. We filter how...

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4 Changes That Can Transform Your Year

Happy New Year! Are you looking to transform your year? Sometimes, making changes that you want to see in your life feel nearly impossible. It takes a willingness to step outside your comfort zone to make significant changes that will transform your year. If you want to start your year out right, these subtle changes can be the beginning of a happier, healthier life. Download: Planning for a Successful Year #1 Listen to Your Intuition We like to think life is linear and rational. But more...

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Ease Holiday Stress with Affirmations

Is stress making your holidays feel more like boo-hoo than ho-ho-ho? If so, you can ease holiday stress with affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you replace negative thoughts. When your value your affirmations and you repeat them often, you can start to make positive changes. You may have difficulty believing that affirmations can make a difference. Think of it this way, you do repetitive exercises to improve your physical health, right? Well, affirmations are...

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Work with a Coach and Boost Your Results

Have you ever thought about working with a coach to boost your results? If you are serious about achieving your biggest goals, you should seriously consider it. Working with a coach is a great way to boost your results in almost any area of life. Having someone to teach you the ropes, or build more accountability into your life, is a wonderful way to ensure you achieve more. The benefits of hiring a health and wellness coach have even been championed by! If you are wondering if...

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