Victim Versus Victor Mindset
What’s the difference between a victim and a victor? This article highlights some of the differences between a victim versus a victor mindset.
Everyone on this earth experiences a bad or disheartening situation at some point in their lives, but what matters is, how they handle it, what they do next, and how they let it shape them in the end. In essence, your mindset or the way you approach problems in your life will either classify you as a victim or a victor.
The following distinctions between a victim versus a victor may be a bit simplistic but they provide a place to begin your self-assessment. Which category do you identify with?
Take the victim mentality quiz.
When You Make a Mistake
A victim will immediately blame someone, or something, else besides themselves. They are never responsible for anything which happens in their life.
A victor will take responsibility for what has occurred, apologize, and then work to find a solution to remedy the situation.
You Don’t Have Time to Do What You Love
A victim is convinced they have no control over their life, and thus they will never have time to do the things that they want to do.
Victors know they are better than this simple mindset, and if they want to do something, they will make time to do it. Whether this means cutting out a meaningless part of their life, or doing something more efficiently to create more time, victors know they own their life, and whatever they really want to do, they will do.
A Problem Won’t Seem to Go Away
A victim spends countless hours dwelling on the thoughts and events they can’t change. They can’t forgive anyone who has wronged them, nor can they forget. Thus, when a problem arises, they can’t do anything to fix it because they are too focused on the negative feelings.
When victors come across problems, they work through and resolve them immediately. Then, the problem is gone from their mind and they have more mental space for better and more important things.
You’re Faced with Something Difficult
When faced with a difficult task, a victim tends to complain and make excuses for why they can’t do it. If you try to help them tackle the task, they have trouble shifting gears because they’re committed to their way of seeing things no matter what you say.
A victor never makes excuses. When they are faced with a difficult task, they immediately go to work trying to finish it. If they can’t seem to solve the task at first, they know how to take a deep breath and try looking at the task in a different way. And most importantly, no matter how hard the task, they won’t give up.
You Have to Work Hard to Get What You Want
A victim would rather complain about how the job at hand “won’t work for them” or try to make excuses for why they can’t do something. Victims fail to see how their hard work now will help them achieve their short- and long-term goals. Lacking a vision for the future, they may complain about the boredom of everyday life.
A victor knows you have to work towards goals, and sometimes this means doing something that isn’t their favorite. Victor’s work hard to create the exact life that they want. They are never bored because there’s always more for them to accomplish.
In sum, sometimes a victim mentality is obvious and visible — and sometimes it’s hidden, but still equally destructive. Given the differences between the victim versus victor mentality, it’s easy to see that the victor mentality is more apt to lead to success.
If you find yourself inclined toward the victim mentality, don’t despair! Here’s 6 steps to turn your victim mindset around.
Plus, you don’t have to go it alone. If you’d like support on your transformational journey, book a 1-on-1 conversation with me here and we’ll talk about how coaching can boost your results!