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Ease holiday stress with affirmations - Woman looking up at falling snow during the holidays

Ease Holiday Stress with Affirmations

Is stress making your holidays feel more like boo-hoo than ho-ho-ho? If so, you can ease holiday stress with affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you replace negative thoughts. When your value your affirmations and you repeat them often, you can start to make positive changes.

You may have difficulty believing that affirmations can make a difference. Think of it this way, you do repetitive exercises to improve your physical health, right? Well, affirmations are like exercises for your mind and outlook. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram your thinking patterns so that, over time, you begin to think – and act – differently.

Download: Holiday Memories: The Stress-Free Way

For example, evidence suggests that affirmations can help you alleviate the effects of stress. One study by Cresswell and colleagues (2013) found that a short affirmation exercise boosted the problem-solving abilities of participants who reported chronic stress to the same level as those who reported low stress.

Try the following to ease holiday stress with affirmations:

  • I keep a joyful attitude when holiday times get stressful.
  • Holiday stress leaves me like water off of a duck’s back.
  • My life is filled with positive energy and happiness.
  • I can remain joyful despite my holiday circumstances.
  • Each holiday is a unique opportunity to do something that brings me more joy.
  • As holidays get close, I find ways to stay calm.
  • I let my peace radiate out to others.
  • I help others by staying happy and positive during stressful holiday times.
  • I choose to make the holidays joyful and fun.
  • I turn the stress of my life into positive energy by focusing on solutions.
  • Holidays are wonderful times to enjoy family and friends.
  • I enjoy finding the beauty of the holidays.
  • I remain joyful during the holiday season by walking in peace and love.

Write some affirmations of your own using these self-reflection questions:

  1.  What can I do to lower my stress levels during the holidays?
  2.  Are there better ways for me to remain joyful when things get busy?
  3.  How can I keep my joy, even when there is stress all around me?

In summary, affirmations are positive statements that can help you to change negative thoughts. The holidays are a time to enjoy friends and family, so make a plan to ease holiday stress with affirmations!

If you would like more tips to dig up the root causes of stress during the holidays or anytime, book a 1-on-1 conversation with me here and we’ll get to the bottom of what’s causing you the most trouble. Read testimonials from other satisfied clients.

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