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Ease Holiday Stress with Affirmations

Is stress making your holidays feel more like boo-hoo than ho-ho-ho? If so, you can ease holiday stress with affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you replace negative thoughts. When your value your affirmations and you repeat them often, you can start to make positive changes. You may have difficulty believing that affirmations can make a difference. Think of it this way, you do repetitive exercises to improve your physical health, right? Well, affirmations are...

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10 Ways to Relax in 10 Minutes or Less

45SHARESShareTweet While it would be nice to just take a long vacation, there are several ways you can relax in 10 minutes or less. Do this a few times a day, and you’ll find that you might not need that long vacation. Use these methods to relax in 10 minutes or less: 1. Meditate. The benefits of meditating are many. It’s incredibly popular right now but has been around for thousands of years. Experts often claim that even just one minute of meditation per...

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7 Tips to Minimize Holiday Stress

How do you minimize holiday stress? When you review your holiday preparations to-do list, do you get excited or do you get overwhelmed? Download: Holiday Memories: The Stress-Free Way Year after year, statistics and surveys show that the holiday season is not enjoyable for many adults. The American Psychological Association found that 38% of people say their stress level increases during the holidays. During the holidays up to 69% of people are stressed by the time needed to prepare, 69% are...

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5 Reasons A Strategic Life Reduces Stress

35SHARESShareTweet Living a strategic life reduces stress. However, when you think about developing a strategy for your life, it may seem daunting, leading you to cast the idea aside. This decision can be a huge mistake that haunts you down the road. When you don’t have a life strategy, you not only risk increasing your stress levels but you also risk damaging your ability to achieve success. Read on to discover five reasons living a more strategic life...

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What is Mindfulness?

15SHARESShareTweet Mindfulness and optimal health go hand in hand because mindfulness is a stress management technique that has been shown to improve emotion regulation and ameliorate a variety of medical conditions (Marchand, 2012). Read on to discover the skills associated with mindfulness, the benefits of mindfulness, and two ways you can cultivate mindfulness. How stressed are you? Take the stress level survey! What is Mindfulness? Dr. John Kabat-Zinn,...

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10 Resilience Strategies

15SHARESShareTweet How do you rebound from setbacks? Setbacks are stressful and chronic stress can lead to poor health outcomes. So, on the journey to optimal health, it’s essential to have a variety of resilience strategies you can use to restore balance. Read on to discover 10 resilience strategies you can use to optimize stress and avoid burnout. How stressed are you? Take the stress level survey! 10 Resilience Strategies Practice deep breathing....

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What are Your Signature Strengths?

25SHARESShareTweet On your journey to optimal health, how will you use your signature strengths? What are your signature strengths? Research has found that only about one-third of the population has an active awareness of their strengths. However, when you discover your greatest strengths, then you can use them as a resource to face life’s challenges, work toward goals, and feel more fulfilled both personally and professionally. What are Signature...

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Why Self-Compassion is Essential

20SHARESShareTweet On your journey to optimal health, self-compassion is essential. Do you suffer from a harsh inner-critic? When you criticize yourself, you’re tapping into the body’s threat-defense system. Feeling threatened puts stress on the mind and body, which is bad for emotional and physical well-being. With self-criticism, you are both the attacker and the attacked. When the stress response (fight–flight–freeze) is triggered by a threat to your...

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7 Ways to Optimize Stress and Avoid Burnout

On your journey to optimal health, it’s important to optimize stress and avoid burnout. How do you handle breakdowns? Stress is a part of life and chronic stress can lead to poor health outcomes and burnout. Read on to discover research based strategies that you can use to optimize stress and avoid burnout. The Flow Model According to research conducted by psychologist Csikszentmihalyi, people were most happy (and least stressed) when they are in a mental state he called flow. Flow is...

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