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The Value of Integrity

20SHARESShareTweet Are you wondering about integrity? This article defines integrity and highlights its vital role in a variety of life domains. Take the Well-Being Quiz. What is integrity? The origin of the word integrity is defined as “distance from evil and being without suspicions. Raising the soul away from disobedience and all ugliness.” While the meanings of words change over time, this isn’t the worst definition. It might lack the...

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7 Secrets to Reclaim Your Confidence

30SHARESShareTweet Have you lost your sense of confidence? Not to worry, it happens to everyone! Read on to discover 7 things successful people know about how to reclaim your confidence. Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” The problem is, enthusiasm can be hard to come by, especially when yours has taken a beating. Setbacks and disappointments have a way of knocking it down. We start doubting...

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5 Ways to Interrupt a Worry Cycle

35SHARESShareTweet Worry is not something that comes and goes. Sometimes it sets up camp in our minds and bodies, creating an endless line of worry soldiers that are set on defeating you. However, you do not have to live like this. You can take steps to stop the worry. Take the Well-Being Quiz. 5 Ways to Interrupt a Worry Cycle 1. Get Moving Any form of physical exercise that you can focus on will also take your mind away from worry. This can be a walk in a...

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6 Proven Steps to Master Your Emotions

35SHARESShareTweet Learning to master your emotions is central to any health and wellness plan! Are you the master of your emotions, or are your emotions the master of you? You’ve felt it before. Overwhelming anxiety at the thought of doing something new. Or anger feeling out of control because you or someone you love was unfairly treated. These things are normal. Everyone gets a little overwhelmed sometimes. This becomes a problem, though, when the negative...

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10 Ways to Deal with Difficult People

35SHARESShareTweet Are you dealing with difficult people, someone who makes you want to pull every single hair out of your head and scream at the top of your lungs? Do you have to deal with difficult people like this on a regular basis? There’s no way to totally avoid difficult people. They’re going to be in your social circle, your workplace, or even your family. To maintain harmonious relationships, preserve your sanity, and just survive, here are some pro...

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5 Steps to More Confident Decision-Making

30SHARESShareTweet How are your decision-making skills? Without a strategy, decision-making can be stressful. Take the Well-Being Quiz. What Is A Decision? Some people contend, that in its simplest form, life is a series of choices. This is, in some sense, true. Except that it’s not that simple, because life itself is not that simple. The complexity of life or, rather, living a life, means that the choices the average individual faces over the course of...

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50 Ways to Overcome Obstacles to Your Success

40SHARESShareTweet Are obstacles interfering with your success? This blog lists 50 ways to overcome obstacles to your success! Are you ready to live by your own rules? Trouble is, many of us still live by rules that others made—ones that don’t work well and actually keep you from happiness and success. So, you need to change habits that no longer work for you. Use these 50 mind-hacks to replace your old habits with a whole new way of thinking geared to propel...

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5 Beliefs that Stop You from Realizing Your Dreams

45SHARESShareTweet Do you know what’s stopping you from realizing your dreams? This blog highlights 5 beliefs that stop you from realizing your dreams. Everyone has dreams, but not everyone realizes their dreams. What reasons do you give yourself to shut down your efforts to make your dreams a reality? These reasons are beliefs that you have, but just because you have those reasons doesn’t mean they’re valid. Here are 5 beliefs that stop you from...

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Overcome Deadline Stress

15SHARESShareTweet Are you suffering from deadline stress? To overcome deadline stress, this article highlights 9 tips you can use and 3 actionable steps you can take right away. While stress is a normal part of our lives, we have recently become more aware of its negative effects. Long story short, it isn’t great. We should all strive to reduce stress where we can. One unique form of stress is deadline stress. This is the stress you feel when you are...

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Are you Addicted to Chaos?

25SHARESShareTweet Are you addicted to chaos? Take the Addicted to Chaos Quiz to find out if you need to incorporate more serenity into your lifestyle. This crazy life can pull us in so many directions that often times, we don’t know whether we’re coming or going. We live in a fast-paced world and it can be hard to fathom ever slowing down to stop and smell the roses. Without realizing it, we allow ourselves to get sucked into the chaos of daily life. Between...

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