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Optimal Health Quiz - woman with outstretched arms

Optimal Health Quiz


I sleep 6-8 hours every night.

Optimal Health Quiz - sleep

I routinely exercise 3-5 times per week.

Optimal Health Quiz - woman running in nature

I eat 8-10 servings of veggies and fruits every day.

Optimal Health Quiz - veggies and fruits

I have many supportive relationships

Stress and burnout - two friends in the back of a car

After a setback, I bounce back easily.

Optimal Health Quiz - single tree in the desert

I can easily manage my stress levels.

Optimal Health Quiz - collage of stress related words

I am in touch with my values and my purpose.

Optimal Health Quiz - words "fulfill your destiny" written on the pavement with chalk

I regularly spend time in nature.

Stress and burnout - mountain vista

I regularly declutter my home and office.

Optimal Health Quiz - stack of messy papers

I feel good about my appearance.

Optimal Health Quiz - woman looking in the mirror and smiling

When I’m stuck in a rut, I can easily break out of it.

Optimal Health Quiz - car stuck in the mud

I can sort through contradictory health information.

Optimal Health Quiz - two people comparing notes at a table

I recognize the importance of my health; so, I make it a priority.

Optimal Health Quiz - tape measure, veggies, hand weight

I feel good about the way I’m aging.

Optimal Health Quiz - older man and woman laughing

I’m satisfied with my lifestyle.

Optimal Health Quiz - woman with outstretched arms

Optimal Health Quiz
Excellent Use of Wellness Strategies

Optimal Health Quiz - high effort

Congratulations! Your score indicates that you are doing lots to optimize your health.

To build upon your success, you may want to:

-Continue to take preventive steps that can help keep your physical and mental health in top shape, such as getting regular physical exercise and doing things that challenge your brain, such as learning a new language or completing crossword puzzles.

-Be aware of the supplements and minerals that can promote healthy aging, especially when it comes to the health of your brain, heart, and bones.

-Keep your exercise routines fresh and enjoyable by including others in your walks, hikes or bike rides, and make it a goal to perform stretching exercises every day.

-Reach out to an old acquaintance and reconnect. Socializing is important as you age.

If you want to continue on your path to optimal health, enter your email below to receive Free Integrative Wellness Tips.

Also, visit my home page to schedule a free 20-minute discovery session. Let's see how coaching can take your wellness strategies to new horizons!

Note: The results of this quiz are intended for informational and educational purposes only. If you have any health concerns, please speak with a suitable health care professional.

Moderate Use of Wellness Strategies

Optimal Health Quiz - medium effort

Your score indicates you are on the right track but there are still some lifestyle habits you can adopt to improve your odds of healthy aging and overall well-being.

You may want to:

-Follow an anti-inflammatory diet, which focuses on foods that decrease inflammation while increasing your overall health.

-Evaluate if you are getting the correct amount of vitamins and minerals – you may be getting too much or too little of what you need.

-Reevaluate your sleep habits so you are getting at least eight hours of sleep most nights of the week.

-Exercise your brain by giving it challenges - take a class, read a new book, solve a crossword puzzle.

-Increase the frequency of your exercise, or try a new routine - go for a hike, swim laps, ride a bike or do something else that’s new and different. A change in exercise challenges the body to engage muscles not normally used.

-Make a weekly “date” with friends to insure you are getting enough social interaction.

If you’re interested in a course correction on your path to optimal health, enter your email address below to receive Free Integrative Wellness Tips.

Also, visit my home page to schedule a free 20-minute discovery session. Let's find out how coaching can turbo charge your existing efforts!

Note: The results of this quiz are intended for informational and educational purposes only. If you have any health concerns, please speak with a suitable health care professional.

Challenged Use of Wellness Strategies

Your score indicates that you can make lots of meaningful changes to optimize your health and overall well-being.

You may want to:

-Re-evaluate your diet - following a healthy diet such as the anti-inflammatory diet is a good place to start.

-Examine your nutritional needs and determine if you are missing vital minerals and nutrients your body needs.

-Begin or increase your physical activity regimen to improve overall physical health and well-being.

-Look for ways to connect with others - attend a religious service, volunteer, or even join a support group. The power of connectedness provides positive health benefits.

-If you're having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, reduce caffeine and alcohol intake before bed, try natural herbs such as lavender, and make sure your bed is comfortable and the room sufficiently dark.

-Consider a meditation practice to help with stress management.

If you’re interested in a course correction on your path to optimal health, enter your email address below to receive Free Integrative Wellness Tips.

Also, visit my home page to schedule a free 20-minute discovery session. Let's find out how coaching can turbo charge your efforts to make lifestyle changes!

Note: The results of this quiz are intended for informational and educational purposes only. If you have any health concerns, please speak with a suitable health care professional.

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