Are you Addicted to Chaos?
Are you addicted to chaos? Take the Addicted to Chaos Quiz to find out if you need to incorporate more serenity into your lifestyle.
This crazy life can pull us in so many directions that often times, we don’t know whether we’re coming or going.
We live in a fast-paced world and it can be hard to fathom ever slowing down to stop and smell the roses. Without realizing it, we allow ourselves to get sucked into the chaos of daily life. Between work, kids, school, dishes, laundry and all the other responsibilities that go along with being human, it’s easy to completely lose sight of the here and now (and forget who we are in the process).
Forgetting to slow down can cause a ton of stress, overwhelm and anxiety and it can greatly affect our overall health – physically, mentally and emotionally. For this reason, it’s important to reflect on our lifestyle choices and take steps to get back to the basics and adopt a more serene lifestyle.
Here are 5 ways you can find more serenity and get back on track to happiness and better health.
1. Healthy Boundaries
When you start being more mindful of the chaos, drama and negativity that you allow into your life, you can begin to set boundaries that help you prepare for and avoid it altogether. Look at your triggers – what sets you off or sends you into an emotional turmoil? Are there certain people, places or things can you avoid? When you start to dig deep and understand where you truly want your energy to go, it makes it much easier to put a stake in the ground and stand by your decisions thus eliminating unwanted stress and anxiety in your life.
2. Better Sleep
Sleep is a super important and necessary component so that your body can repair and refresh itself on a daily basis. So often we are running on fumes just trying to get through the day. When you start becoming more intentional about the amount of sleep you get each day, you’ll notice your energy start to increase and you’ll be in a better mood. As your sleep cycle becomes more natural, you’ll wake up ready to meet the day with a renewed sense of purpose rather than a stumbling through it as a groggy mess. Discover 15 Tips to Improve Sleep Quality.
3. Less Stress
When you begin to calm your mind, you’re able to have more clarity regarding any given situation – even those that may seem like you have little to no control. Instead of drowning in a sea of stress and anxiety, you can begin to take your power back and navigate through life’s obstacles a little easier. You will start to be able to identify harmful behaviors that have been a source of chaos in your life thus far and distance yourself from them moving forward. Once this happens, you’ll start to see the stress melt away from your daily life. Discover 15 Simple Ways to Stress Less.
4. More Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is such a simple habit, but it can lead to big results when you are consistent. In part, developing a serene lifestyle means taking the time to notice the beauty and the blessings all around you. You start to seek out and notice those people, places and things in your life that you are grateful for and keep them top of mind at all times. As the blessings in your life start popping up right before your eyes, it transforms your entire perspective, giving you a reason to smile even when things get tough. Discover a variety of ways to cultivate gratitude.
5. Positivity
As you shift into a more simplified, serene lifestyle, you’ll notice that your attitude shifts as well. You’ll start to be more mindful of the things that make you happy and you’ll gravitate towards them. As you begin to slow down, reflect on your life and be more intentional about the things you do and the people you hang around, there won’t be any room for drama and negativity. In fact, that will be something you avoid at all costs. Purchase the 30-Day Happiness Challenge.
In sum, you don’t have to allow the chaos from the outside world to throw you into a downward spiral. Instead, choose a more serene approach to life – it will not only make you happier in the long run, but it will also have a big impact on your overall health.
Want help letting go of chaos in your life? A great coach will jumpstart your journey into the life you desire. Why wait? Book a FREE 20-minute consultation today and we’ll talk about how coaching can accelerate your progress!