5 Beliefs that Stop You from Realizing Your Dreams
Do you know what’s stopping you from realizing your dreams? This blog highlights 5 beliefs that stop you from realizing your dreams.
Everyone has dreams, but not everyone realizes their dreams. What reasons do you give yourself to shut down your efforts to make your dreams a reality? These reasons are beliefs that you have, but just because you have those reasons doesn’t mean they’re valid.
Here are 5 beliefs that stop you from realizing your dreams.
1. Not Enough Time
Everyone is busy these days. When someone asks how you are doing, you probably respond with “Busy.” But that might not be the truth. Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in the day. For a week or maybe two, keep a time ladder of how you spent your time. This includes sleeping, preparing and eating meals, social media, getting ready for work, cleaning your house. Take a good look at how your time is spent, and you might realize you have more time than you realize.
2. I Don’t Have ‘X’ Talent
It doesn’t matter if you want to write a book or paint a picture, you have as much talent as you are willing to work for. You may not have been born with the natural ability to paint, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn and practice.
3. After ‘X’ I Will Do It
“Once I get through this (insert tough project at work), I will start training for that marathon.” “After I lose twenty pounds, I will take a salsa dancing class.” Why are you waiting? Maybe that marathon training will help you work through the stress of that project at work. Perhaps salsa dancing lessons will allow you realize that no matter your weight, your body is worthy of fun and sexy movement. If you have a goal, go for it now.
4. I’m Not Good Enough
What ruler are you using to measure your “good enough”? You are always good enough to go after your own dreams and goals. If this is an internal dialogue, then you need to work on liking and loving yourself first. If this belief is coming from external sources, then consider those sources and if they are holding you back.
5. ‘X’ Person Has it Easier
The grass is greener where you water it. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. There are many sayings that sum up that you really don’t know what someone else is going through. So do not assume that someone has it easier, and therefore can achieve their goals while you cannot. That person may think you have it easier or better.
In sum, self-limiting beliefs can be a slippery slope. They can also keep you from even trying to reach your goals. Take time to examine your reasoning and come up with beliefs that will encourage you to take the necessary steps to realize your dreams. You only live once, why not live to the fullest!
If you’d like personalized support realizing your dreams, book a call and let’s talk about how coaching can help. Read testimonials from satisfied clients.