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Develop a Successful Leadership Brand

25SHARESShareTweet You can develop a successful leadership brand and unleash your authentic influence! In the current competitive business landscape, building a successful leadership brand is crucial for aspiring leaders. Your leadership brand represents how others perceive you and is instrumental in establishing your credibility, influence, and ability to motivate and inspire others. As a leadership coach, I understand the importance of developing an...

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7 Reasons Why You Need a Coach

35SHARESShareTweet This article will provide 7 reasons why you need a coach. What’s easier: Working toward your goals alone through trial and error, or seeking the guidance and direction of someone who’s been there and done that? The answer is obvious. When you seek the advice of someone who has been through it all before, you can then avoid the same mistakes and focus your time and energy on what truly works. That’s the power of a life...

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7 Tips to Help You Embrace New Beginnings

40SHARESShareTweet Is it time to embrace new beginnings? Things aren’t going well. You’re sick of your boss, or your relationship is crumbling around you. Maybe you are bored as you wait to get out of school and jump into the real world. This feeling is normal, and change is inevitable. As we grow, we can’t help but have moments where the only way forward is to let go of something else. With this in mind, you’d think the act of letting go...

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Work with a Coach and Boost Your Results

Have you ever thought about working with a coach to boost your results? If you are serious about achieving your biggest goals, you should seriously consider it. Working with a coach is a great way to boost your results in almost any area of life. Having someone to teach you the ropes, or build more accountability into your life, is a wonderful way to ensure you achieve more. The benefits of hiring a health and wellness coach have even been championed by! If you are wondering if...

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How to Navigate the Change Terrain

30SHARESShareTweet Have you ever wondered why is change so difficult? Have you wondered what you can do to successfully navigate the change terrain? Essentially, change is difficult because once a self-regulatory system is in place, it seeks to maintain itself. It’s akin to the thermostat on your heating and cooling system. Once a set point for the temperature has been established, then the system works automatically, efficiently, and effectively to maintain...

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Why Hire an Integrative Wellness Coach?

30SHARESShareTweet You can hire an integrative wellness coach to help you address a variety of health issues including weight loss, stress management, improving diet and exercise, and adjusting to a life-altering event. Taking better care of your health is among society’s most pressing priorities. However, you may face a bewildering array of health and wellness guidelines, products, and services that make it difficult to create a personal formula....

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How to Use Integrative Wellness on Your Journey to Optimal Health

55SHARESShareTweet What’s integrative wellness? What’s the connection between integrative wellness and optimal health? Your journey to optimal health is like a road trip that you take over and over again. Road trips can require lots of planning and test your patience at times. But road trips also give you something to look forward to. They enrich your life and your relationships. And they give you something to look back on fondly. Why not...

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