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Author: Leslie Bosch, PhD

Spirituality and Optimal Health

20SHARESShareTweet So, you’re on the road to optimal health. You’re rested and well-exercised. Your car is full of nutritious food and passengers you adore. You know what to do in times of adversity. You’re surrounded by natural beauty. So, why do you feel like something’s missing? The word “why” lingers in your mind just a little too long, and suddenly you understand. All the material necessities of your journey have been met, but...

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3 Relationship Essentials

15SHARESShareTweet On your journey to optimal health, who are your traveling companions? What do you consider relationship essentials? Relationships keep us happy and healthy as we go through life. Researchers demonstrated the importance of relationships through the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history. According to Robert Waldinger, current Director of the study, researchers have learned three big...

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Food as Fuel: 20 Ways to Improve your Diet

45SHARESShareTweet On your journey to optimal health, as with your car, without the proper fuel, how can you hope to arrive at your destination? Moreover, upon arrival, will you be equipped to deal with what awaits you? A healthy, balanced diet gives your body nutrients. Nutrients are like fuel for your body. They give you energy. And they keep your heart beating, your brain active, and your muscles working. They also help to build and strengthen bones,...

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Are you Getting Enough Exercise?

25SHARESShareTweet On your journey to optimal health, you’ve got to exercise. Our bodies are meant to move. Over the past few decades, ongoing research has clearly and overwhelmingly demonstrated the important relationship between physical activity and wellness. Some of the benefits identified by this research are improved muscular strength, flexibility and agility, increased bone density, improved lipid profiles, enhanced immune function, improved...

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Why Nature is Good for You

30SHARESShareTweet On your journey to optimal health, pause for a moment and enjoy the landscape. Instinctively, you know why nature is good for you. People are drawn to the natural world. So, you’ve experienced firsthand the effects of nature on your well-being. Among other benefits, exposure to nature has been shown to improve healing time, depression, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (Twohig-Bennett & Jones, 2018). How does nature...

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15 Tips to Improve Sleep Quality

30SHARESShareTweet On your journey to optimal health, sleep is your daily rest stop. However, stress can interfere with the quality of our sleep. How can you ensure your sleep is restful and healthy? Read on to discover 15 sleep tips you can use to improve the quality of your sleep. How stressed are you? Take the stress level survey! The Connection Between Sleep and Optimal Health Ideally, sleep is a simple process of letting go. But, how often is that...

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7 Ways to Optimize Stress and Avoid Burnout

On your journey to optimal health, it’s important to optimize stress and avoid burnout. How do you handle breakdowns? Stress is a part of life and chronic stress can lead to poor health outcomes and burnout. Read on to discover research based strategies that you can use to optimize stress and avoid burnout. The Flow Model According to research conducted by psychologist Csikszentmihalyi, people were most happy (and least stressed) when they are in a mental state he called flow. Flow is...

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How to Use Integrative Wellness on Your Journey to Optimal Health

55SHARESShareTweet What’s integrative wellness? What’s the connection between integrative wellness and optimal health? Your journey to optimal health is like a road trip that you take over and over again. Road trips can require lots of planning and test your patience at times. But road trips also give you something to look forward to. They enrich your life and your relationships. And they give you something to look back on fondly. Why not...

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